The Club meets the First Tuesday of each month, beginning in April. As our children sleep in the winter months, our friendship as a "family club" keep us warm.

During our driving season, our activities include monthly fun-runs to our dinner meetings, weekend special events and longer trips to exciting destinations.

In the Spring and Summer, our driving activities have included group trips to Canada, Colorado, New York, Missouri, Maine, the Wisconsin Dells and scenic points along our routes.

We invite you to JOIN US, have fun and drive safely.


Our 2024 Club Officers

Steve - President
Ken - Vice-President
Carol - Treasurer
Charlotte & Darnel - Secretary


Formed in 1988 by a small group of Corvette owners and enthusiasts, CLCC’s only requirement has been an enthusiastic interest in Corvettes.  Early events included fall color runs, social events and trips out east; and we continue this fun today!

Copyright © 2025 Central Lakes Corvette Club